VirtuPortal Nominees
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Many thanks to 
The Reverend Bob "Bob" Crispen (B.C.) who will feature an accompanying column to the VirtuPortal! 

All of the worlds are VRML 2.0 or X3D Proposal implementations and may have predefined viewpoints to simplify navigation. When viewing these worlds on your computer with a modem connection, please be patient for the files to download, uncompress, and be displayed. 

The Meet Factory

The MeetFactory's Avatar Builder. Great fun! You can save your Avatars if you go with Contact.

alternet fabric

" La_Fabrique00"

beautiful viewpoints- a striking space.. Showed at VRML Art 2000.

Contributing Artists:
Andy Best, Cristiano Bianchi, Jacques Perconte, Maurice Clifford, Patrick Keller & Christian Babski, Steve Guynup, Victoria Vesna & Craig Brown

Albert Kahn Architects

An architectural walk through of Albert Kahn's new Detroit offices. Well built, lit, and worth the textures- a couple of rooms have interactive pieces.

3D Chemical Dynamics

Chemical simulations using VRML and Molecular Dynamics Language (MoDL)... XML!

Exhibition Hall

Virtual Exhibition Hall

The map and EAI links only work in Contact, but the interactivity within VRML is especially slick- just walk up to any of the exhibitor's products and get some great views!

Steve Guynup's Media Invaders game

Check out this cool use of VRML PROTOS and check out his Gaming Tutoruial this issue!

Linda Vigdor's surrealist dimensional twister

Showed at VRML Art 2000. Wonderful geometries.

Visit this sacred site, scaled to cosmic harmony.  Learn about the architecture and geometry of the Giza Plateau!  You can also tune into a great variety of Real Audio Music from Independent Artists!
X3D Proposal
Shout Interactive's Shout3D at is a similar technology. My favorite there is Beat Monk Bash that shows off Jo and Oscar, two of the MOD characters that have won best of show at SGI's VRML contest and standing ovations at the Web3D Roundups.

Shout3D is able to render animation of large scenes blazingly fast.  -B.C.

If you build your own VRML worlds and don't have a lot of money, you've probably already heard about Spazz3D, the VRML modeler. They've got a gallery of samples from their users at that has some outstanding creations.

Some of these worlds use the blaxxun extensions (e.g., NURBS) that aren't supported by other browsers yet.

Since Spazz3D is an animation tool as well as a modeling tool, look for some outstanding examples of animation, including Addy's dancers (pictured) which blew me away. -B.C.

Nobody's built one of those 3D filesystem browsers yet, but the network analyzer version of that tool is here now at from Institut Eurécom's CyberNet project. 3D visualization of large data sets is going to be the killer app for Web3D that gets it on the desks of pointy-haired bosses.

My favorite of the worlds is the city metaphor used in SwapWorld. You need a stout CPU to run this -- both Cortona/Netscape and Contact/MSIE took approximately forever to bring up the initial scene on my pitiful P133/64M system. Browsing hint: Viewpoints are all overhead shots. Go to Examine mode and rotate the scene so that you can see the buildings in perspective. -B.C.


Ivan's VRML environs

Eagle Lunar Landing, Aerospace models

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