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Glossary of Technical Acronyms - by N. Polys

Version 1.0

API - 
Application Programming Interface

The Document Object Model which describes the structure and hierarchy of objects in a web page such as forms, images, links, etc. so they can be manipulated by the browser through scripting.

MPEG 4 -
A patented binary data format and compression scheme that can be used to stream geometry, animations, and other multimedia.

Multi-Texturing -
The technique in 3D graphics that provides an explicit description of how multiple texture graphic files are transformed, combined and applied to geometry. This adds a great amount of realism to 3D scenes. These various textures fall under the headings of: light & shadow maps, diffuse texture maps, specular texture maps, and environment maps. In the case of X3D, this means a profile extension of additional nodes for hardware accelerated lighting and rendering.

National Institute for Standards Technology

öNon-Uniform Rational B-Splines are a mathematical way to describe 3D geometry based on curves rather than polygons.

Script Authoring Interface which is the new script API for X3D which is designed to unify scripting languages for 3D and DOM compatibility.

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language which can specify the time-sequencing of audio and video elements in a multimedia presentation as well as place them on the display and link them to other media objects. Real Networks utilizes this technology.

Scalable Vector Graphics in a proposed XML application to describe and manipulate 2D shapes, images, and text on a web page.

The W3C's effort to refine HTML into strict XML. This tightening of the standard gives developers many more options to deliver valid, multi-tiered content. 

Extensible Style Language actually consists of 2 XML applications: document transformation and document formatting which allows authors to convert content between different documents and then
Current features
* Core Web3D Book

* Spazz3D: Authoring-tool
* Game Programming in VRML

Previous Features
* State of the Industry
* The X3D Initiative
* Alphabet Soup: Our glossary of technical acronyms

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