Techniques of Perception in VRML97
by n_polys 08_2001

Audio Perception

Audio related Nodes:
spatialized sound - in stereo (doppler effect)

Standard formats:
.wav, .mid, .mov,      
* heavy- best use for broadband and CDroms

Extended formats:
(now browser-specific, soon via X3D) .mp3,.swf, RealAudio/RealVideo

  • Sound
  • AudioClip
  • MovieTexture

Audio Example

Clicking one object will send the acorn flying… listen for Dopplers’ effect!
Play with some of the objects here: we have CylinderSensors and PlaneSensors
*flash movietextures only work in Parallel Graphics’ Cortona*

next page

Table of Contents: Abstract

Current features
* Graphical User Interfaces: 2D, 3D, and Web3D
* Techniques of Perception in VRML
Onsite Features- Europe:
* Echtzeit AG
* Lunatic Interactive
* PhilemonWorks

Previous Features
* Interactive Web Graphics with Shout3D Book
* Web3D 2001 Coverage
* Core Web3D Book
* Spazz3D: Authoring-tool
* Game Programming in VRML
* State of the Industry
* The X3D Initiative (2000)
* Alphabet Soup: Our glossary of technical acronyms

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