Techniques of Perception in VRML97
by n_polys 08_2001

Presented at the 14th annual
Stuttgarter FilmWinter
Festival for Expanded Media

VR_Art Track January 21, 2001


When we perceive our reality, or a virtual reality, there are processing techniques at work in our perceptual apparatus that make it understandable.  The art of creative media is to provide the participant visual, audio, and existential cues that evoke an impression, an emotion, or a narrative understanding.  Each media type has its own scope as far as what cues it can provide at any given time.  While Stephenson, Lanier, and McKenna envisioned cyberspace over 15 years ago, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and interactive 3D are just emerging as a viable platform for diverse rich-media production.  Adding the real-time dimension of space allows participants to see and hear the action from any location and even through different eyes!  This presentation explores the methods of creating user perceptions in VRML worlds and provides some examples of the principles in practice. 

The following exploration is adapted from a powerpoint presentation given at the 14th Annual Stuttgarter FilmWinter Festival for Expanded Media.

The included VRML97 examples were created to demonstrate the perceptual nature and technological capabilities of this 3D media type. They are purely illustrative and utilitarian in nature and may lack the flair of 'professional' design...
after the presentation, one german designer remarked "Thank you for your ugly, male style, it was very helpful!". A dubious translation, but bystanders confirm it was a compliment :-).

Cortona browser is recommended especially for the Audio Perception example.

next page

Table of Contents:

Current features
* Graphical User Interfaces: 2D, 3D, and Web3D
* Techniques of Perception in VRML
Onsite Features- Europe:
* Echtzeit AG
* Lunatic Interactive
* PhilemonWorks

Previous Features
* Interactive Web Graphics with Shout3D Book
* Web3D 2001 Coverage
* Core Web3D Book
* Spazz3D: Authoring-tool
* Game Programming in VRML
* State of the Industry
* The X3D Initiative (2000)
* Alphabet Soup: Our glossary of technical acronyms

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